The people that bring you Comfort Zone products love hearing when our products have helped pet households. Read some examples below of how our new and improved diffusers have helped cats reduce specific stressful behaviors and achieve less stress.

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41 Reviews
The Solution for Cat Scratching
“Simple to use, looks no different than any other room diffuser, works wonders for cat scratching frequency and severity.”
How to Save Your Furniture from Your Cat
“I would say that if you have a cat and do not want to have her nails removed to prevent her from scratching (which I heard is painful and not good to do to your cat), then this product is the way to go.”
Cat Scratching Plug In, Easy to Use and Leaves No Mess
“Easy to use, good for working families, hopefully the price point is not too high.”
Yes I Would Recommend This Product for Those Interested in Preventing Their Cats from Scratching
“I would say that is easy to use, not big or bulky, you can put it anywhere your cat scratches it just plugs into the wall…and it may possibly benefit your cat and prevent some scratching if not all.”
Works Like A Charm
“You plug it in and the scent makes my cat not scratch as much, I highly recommend.”
For Cat Lover
“My friends say how my cat stayed off my couch.”
Saving My Furniture from Scratching!
“This product is easy to use. Plug it in and that’s it. It has reduced the amount of scratching. My cat does not scratch my couch or other furniture as often as she did before using this product.”
Does Not Work As Expected
“Provided no noticeable benefit or change in my cat. Unless it is free it is not worth the money or hassle.”
Buy One for Each Room!
“Easy to use product. Plug it in and forget it’s there.”
Cat Scratch Elimination Formula
“This product can be used to stop scratching without causing other behavioral changes. But be careful where you use it since the product gets hot and may be a fire hazard.”
I Was Skeptical at First, But This Works
“You absolutely have to try this if your cat has scratching issues. It worked for us. I was very skeptical but it actually works!”
Try This Product It Really Works for Unwanted Cat Scratching
“I would say you definitely have to try this product. I feel like it really works. My cat is definitely scratching less. But I am very curious to see when I don’t’ have the product in my house if my cat still scratches less.”
Scratch Be Gone
“Do you want your cat to stop scratching? Use this.”
Stop Unwanted Scratching!
“This diffuser caused Hammy to scratch my furniture less frequently.”
Try It, You Have Nothing to Lose!
“I would say it is definitely worth a try! All cats are different and may react differently to the product but I say…TRY IT!”
Good Idea, Doesn’t Work
“It is a great idea but unfortunately did not help with my cats scratching habits. Would be a great product if it helped.”
It Really Works!
“This product is amazing. In four short weeks he went from scratching daily to not at all. My furniture is saved and my worries are reduced greatly.”
This Product Half Works
“This product started off with a strong burning smell. The next day I noticed my cat not scratching but after a while he started scratching but not as often.”
Waste! Does Not Work
“Do not waste your money.”
Fantastic Drug-Free Cat Scratch Reducing Product
“Fantastic product that doesn’t use drugs, it uses pheromones to reduce cat scratching. My cat’s scratching has been drastically reduced and it has even made her more content and secure.”
Don’t Bother
“I would not bother with this product. Maybe it works for other cats but not mine and I would try to conceal it so young children do not touch the hot part and so the dispenser and smoke is not as noticeable.”
Great Cat Scratching Solution!
“This is an excellent solution to the unwanted scratching your cat may be doing.”
No More Scratching
“This product is great, it stops your cat from unwanted scratching.”
Possible Preventive Pheromone Product for Unwanted Cat Scratching Behavior
“This product has the potential benefit of decreasing unwanted cat scratching behavior, but I have not seen proof that it works consistently.”
Stop That Nasty Scratching Behavior
“I would say that this product definitely helped our problem. I feel having more of them around the house is better than having just one around.”
It Really Works!
“It doesn’t have a smell, and I can personally attest to the fact that it works. Give it a few weeks, though – the decrease in scratching happens over time.”
Airborne Plug in Product for Unwanted Cat Scratching
“This airborne product is a good product to have if you want your cats scratching to reside. It has seemed to work for our cat and she does not scratch as often as she once did four weeks ago. This product will save your home belongings from unwanted scratching.”
The Best Cat Scratch Product You Will Ever Use
“I would say this product is amazing. It is easy to install and use. It is odorless which is great for your home.”
Easy to Use But Ineffective
“It’s easy to use, just plug it in and forget it for a month – unfortunately it didn’t stop my cat from her unwanted scratching.”
End Unwanted Scratching Today!
“I would say please give this a try if your cat is scratching at all, it is well worth whatever it costs to have peace of mind that your belongings are being kept nice and you can enjoy just spending time with your cat.”
Possible Cat Scratching Reduction Cartridge
“The product may reduce scratching, but may not.”
Easy, Safe, Effective Way to Reduce Unwanted Cat Scratching
“This is an easy, safe, and effective way to reduce your cats unwanted scratching. Just plug it in the area that your cat scratches things and forget.”
Miracle Cat Product That Really Works!
“This product is an absolute necessity if you own a cat. The difference is night and day. You can plug it in and within a week you can see a difference in your cat’s behavior.”
Not 100% But Still Effective
“I would let them know that the product wasn’t 100% effective but definitely improved the situation.”
Stop Your Cat From Scratching Using This!
“Plug it in and watch the results. It works, give it a try.”
Finally, A Product That Actually Deters Cats from Scratching Unwanted Surfaces
“This product is well worth purchasing and lessens the unwanted scratching and destroying of furniture a great deal. There is a marked improvement from when I started using the diffuser in comparison to when I didn’t use the diffuser.”
Does Your Cat Scratch Your Furniture and Rugs? Then You Need This Product…
“Helps to keep your cat from scratching rugs and furniture.”
Cat Anti-Scratching Disappointment
“That it is easy to use but unfortunately it did not stop my cats scratching behavior but it may be different for your cat.”
Scratch No More!
“The pheromone diffuser works! Cats scratch less in unwanted areas and there is no annoying odor from the diffuser.”
Has Potential
“Easy to use however pheromone appeared to lose strength over time and become ineffective.”
Less Bad Behavior
“The bad behavior seems to have lessened. No odor and barely know the plug in is there.”